Version release 10.2

Version release 10.2 (includes patches 10.1.0 to 10.1.4)
Release to staging: 08/05/2021
Release to production: 20/05/2021

Summary of changes

Version 10.2 of elementTIME has a whole lot of quick wins, including some requested changes to the daily timecards (such as the ability to load multiple times against the same project in a single panel), and introduces timesheet smoothing for users on period glide shifts, allowing them to auto-complete missing hours in the period.

List of functionality

Leave requests from timecards
Detailed timesheet check report
Timesheet filters on my teams timesheets
Leave requests with edited workflow
Timecard entry change
Change to viewing project codes vs names
Ability to view and resolve timesheet options direct from my timesheets listing
New trigger for setting leave and timesheet reminders
Manager dashboard alerts
Auto smooth / complete timesheets
All the little things

Leave requests from timecards

Leave requests are now auto-populated with the date of the timecard when applied for from within a timecard. Sounds like it makes sense, right?

Detailed timesheet check report

The detailed timesheet check report is now available on the Reports > Download reports page.

Timesheet filters on my teams timesheets

Additional filters have been added on the My Team > My teams timesheets to ensure that all options for different timesheet status(es) is available viewing (is statuses a word?) – Nice suggestion Adam.

Leave requests, edited workflow

When a leave request is edited it used to default back to the default leave workflow. It now picks up any update or valid workflow exception that is relevant depending on the edited request.

Timecard entry change

Users can once again enter multiple time blocks as long as they are recording time against the same project and time type. When they save, each row saves into the timecard individually.

Change to set project names, codes or both on timesheets

Settings on whether project codes/work order numbers, names or both display to users on timesheets can now be set by individual project / work order.

View issues from my timesheets direct in the modal

If you are on My team > My teams timesheets, then you can view and resolve the timesheet issues without entering the timesheet by selecting the Issue flag.

New trigger for setting leave and timesheet approval reminders

When setting reminders for approvals you can now use from submission time / date, not just due date / time. This means you can automate reminders for leave request approvals if the leave request is still unapproved XX days from submission. Handy, right?

New dashboard alert for managers with outstanding actions

When managers or approvers log in to elementTIME, their personal dashboard is the default dashboard they see. Before there was nothing to really alert a manager if they had outstanding tasks on their manager dashboard unless they went looking for them. Now there is. If a manager has outstanding tasks, the tab for the manager dashboard will be highlighted until all outstanding tasks are resolved.

Auto timesheet smoothing

Payroll officers can now decide whether to give staff the ability to auto smooth (complete) timesheets. Different from auto filling timesheets, this options allows users (or managers) to automatically fill any missing hours on a timesheet with flexi. The timesheet will automatically split missing hours over multiple days if needed to ensure excess time is not tripped.

This helps staff on glide period shifts that may be missing hours at the end of the period. Rather than requiring them to manually apply for flexi or split flexi over multiple days, the timesheet will do it automatically.

It also allows users at Councils that allow adjusted time to made up ordinary time to use that adjusted time before it is technically – earnt (Confused – yep basically if you understand that you need it and if you don’t you don’t).

Other little things

Style change – Altered weekend days on timesheets to also include grey borders if time is entered against a project on that day.
Style change – The current day on the timesheet has been highlighted green (thanks Andrew).
Big fix – Timesheets approval report fixed to work with multiple time-types. If a user had multiple time types the report would fail to generate – but now it does. Nice, right?
Bug fix – When setting auto complete timesheets, a user must also have allow copy from schedule flag as true. This is now validated so the second flag can never be ON if the first is OFF and If the first flag is set OFF, the second should be automatically OFF as well.
Bug fix – Where penalties were triggered when leave was taken if the leave included a break, then the break period was not getting deducted from the penalty amount to be paid. It now is.
Bug fix – There was an issue where, for some browsers, if a user had the help hover text on then the hover text would duplicate, which was super annoying. We have now fixed that, because most of us only need to be told once, right?
Bug fix – Fixed an issue where if a manager was approving timesheets from within the timesheet workflow modal, the issue list was not refreshing, allowing some timesheets to go to payroll for approval while outstanding manager issues still existed. We could say this was on purpose to test whether managers would check first or payroll would return the timesheets for resolution, but actually, it was just a mistake on our part. Sorry.
Bug fix – Fixed an issue where for some Audit users they no longer had access to the Audit – Leave requests view page. They should and now they can.
Bug fix – Fixed issue with Synergy import file where rounding was to two decimal places creating a mismatch for some users when collating totals across multi entries.
Bug fix – Fixed an issue where if a user was on a period glide shift and hours over the weekend was set to expected hours and the expected hours were zero then the user could not take leave if the duration included the weekend. This is just silly. So now they can.

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