elementTIME version 8.9 – penalties and additional duties update

elementTIME version 8.9 features a major functionality release change adding to excess time and allowances functionality (plus lots of other good things).

Note: work pack 8.9 has been split due to its size. Version 8.10 includes items originally included in 8.9 impacting on end users.

Highlights of this release include:

  1. Penalties and additional duties rule builder
  2. Modifications to how long duration leave is managed
  3. New timesheet page view options
  4. Updated functionality and view of personal schedule page
  5. New individual leave listings and leave balance report
  6. Exporting department and staff hierarchy
  7. Small fixes

So what is inside? – lets have a look…

Penalties and additional duties rule builder

In addition to excess time where a employee works outside of scheduled hours of work and entitled to ‘accrued leave’ (TOIL) or ‘overtime’ version 8.9 of elementTIME now provides for separate penalties or additional duties. This allows rules to be set up to allow the automated management of employees ‘additional pay’ entitlements when working scheduled hours (or on top of excess time for unscheduled worked).

Examples include rules for employees entitled to additional pay when working scheduled hours on weekends or public holidays. Working scheduled hours without minimum stand-down periods been met. Operating defined types of plant or performing certain activities.

Note: Allowances remain covered through the allowance settings.


Modifications to the way long duration leave is managed

To assist with the management of ‘long duration’ leave we have made some changes. Now where a single leave request is made for a time span over multiple pay periods, when the leave is approved the request will be split into individual requests for each period. This allows modifications to be made to requests without requiring manual adjustments if the start of the request period was in payruns already closed.

Previously when leave was for multiple pay-runs in a single request if employee returned earlier, the original leave would need to be altered triggering manual adjustments for all closed payrun periods.

This fix also includes alterations to how committed, accrued and available balances are displayed to staff for organisations using payroll software to track leave balances separate to elementTIME.

New time-sheet views

Pending the release of granular workflows for allowances, leave, projects, plant and equipment there are now additional views of time-sheets allowing data to be displayed via dedicated projects.

The new views include:

  • Allowances
  • Leave
  • Penalties
  • Excess-time
  • Payment
  • Summary view


New individual leave balance report

A new leave balance report has been added as default showing the leave balances for individuals as per payrun. The report allows the selection of payrun, and what active leave types to include (default is all).

The report only shows active users (including those with excluded timesheet status).


Individual leave request listings

Managers and Payroll Officers now have access to individual listings of employee leave requests rather than needing to filter on all requests. This can be accessed by the history button from any employee request.


Updated functionality and view of personal schedule page

Employees now have improved visibility over their schedules and shifts with clearer notifications on their next scheduled shift date / time. They can also view / accept or decline requests for additional shifts.

This functionality is released to assist part time and casual staff with variable dates of work and the first update of changes to the overall scheduling functionality to assist organisations with large casual and variable shift work-forces.

Employees can also manage their leave requests through this schedule view.


Small fixes

  • 8.9.12 – General tweaks and improvements to the display of forms and tables on mobile devices. Basically we have made things look even better and load faster.
  • 8.9.13 – Sub-project display on manage assignments page is now fixed. Sub projects / activities were not displayed on the manage assignments page even if they had been assigned.
  • 8.9.14 – Staff and Department Hierarchy Views – Staff and Department hierarchy views can now be exported to png.
  • 8.9.15 – Browser tab now displays name of organisation – we build elementTIME for you not us so it doesn’t make sense having our name on the elementTIME browser tab – so we switched it to yours.
  • 8.9.16 – Adjusted how leave transfers from one balance to another. Where for instances not accruing all leave types the committed leave value was not transferring to the historic leave balance when the last date of the approved leave was past.
  • 8.9.17 – Sorted out the staff by department graph. where if organisations had a deep department structure the staff breakdown by department filter options were crowding out the actual graph.

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