elementTIME 7.18 is about adding new functionality to the recording and approving of workflow for excess time.
We also altered some of the rules around how excess time rules can be assigned to individuals and added some new reporting.
We hope you love it as much as we do.
Changes to excess time rules
Staff can now request changes to excess time rules on the fly when they record excess time (provided user permission and the settings have been adjusted of course).
This means they may request a specific period of time where they have worked outside of scheduled hours to be treated by an alternative overtime or TOIL rules.
Settings can be configured that force a user to add a comment if they are working excess time and optionally upload supporting information via attachment.
Note: If a user does change an excess time rule it will only apply to that period of time. Any subsequent periods of excess time will need to also have a rule selected or the default rule for that user will be applied.
Where excess time rules have been set to calculate over a duration or the payrun then this still rule applies. All individual excess time requested to the same rule and approved should be calculated as per the set up for that rule.
At the end of the payrun period, the manager must approve all excess time blocks prior to approving the timesheet where-ever a period of excess time rule change has been requested. If all excess time has defaulted to the users assigned excess time rule then the manager can approve the timesheet without approving each excess time block.
If a manager declines an excess time instance then they must enter a comment and may upload an attachment. Declining an instance of excess time will remove the excess time only from the timesheet total however both the date, duration, excess time type and comment will be added to the timesheet workflow in case the record is challenged.
Note: Declining an excess time instance will only decline that instance.
If a manager reassigns an excess time instance to a new rule then they must make a comment, they may also add an attachment.
How this is treated:
Excess time is only real when the timesheet is finally approved.
A payroll officer may override changes made by a manager prior to the payroll officer doing final approval. At that point, the user may have multiple excess time rules for the payrun.
New header row symbols
New Symbols have been added to the timesheet header row to indicate when issues for a day exist. The symbols will alter for user and Manager depending on the status of the timesheet.
Altered settings so users can be assigned to both overtime and TOIL rules at the same time with a master default
On the manage assignment page by default, all users now have overtime and TOIL panels. Users can have as many TOIL or Overtime rules assigned as relevant. A toggle has been added controlling whether a user can select alternative excess time rules when recording excess time periods.
If active then if a user records excess time they will be given the option to select which rule they would like the excess time to apply to.
If not active then if a user records excess time then all excess time will be recorded to the default excess time rule for that user.
Note: This rule applies independent of the default excess time duration rule that applies to a user – it simply with be active whenever time in excess of scheduled time is recorded whether the time trips a rule or not.
A new toggle has been added to the TOIL popup when assigning TOIL to a user.
The toggle ‘Treat TOIL as special (will not accrue balance by default)’ has been added to TOIL types – If Active then TOIL does not accrue balance for excess time unless specifically selected by individual or manager. This means additional TOIL rules can be assigned to a user but they will only calculate if selected by a user or manager for individual instances of excess leave.
New toggle on payrun settings
You can now set on payrun settings whether staff need to add a comment when recording or approving excess time.
If active then staff must enter a comment whenever they have recorded excess time (time beyond that scheduled. If time is recorded on a day when there is no scheduled time then any time is unscheduled and a comment must be made).
Managers must also enter a comment if they reassign excess time from one rule to another when approving.
If not active then staff may save time without entering a comment.
Note: This rule applies independent of the excess time rule – it simply with be active whenever time in excess of scheduled time is recorded whether the time trips a rule or not.
Negative balance threshold on TOIL
When creating TOIL types you can now set a negative balance threshold. This allows users to apply for TOIL up to and including the amount of the negative balance threshold within a payrun period. This allows people swapping non-scheduled and scheduled work days within a payrun to do so with an appropriate TOIL type before the TOIL balance adjustments are confirmed.
More tiny little things
- 7.18.4 Start and end times on timesheet downloads – We fixed a bug where for some users timesheet downloads were not including start and end times.
- 7.18.5 Apply for leave from timesheet – We fixed another annoying bug (yes i know BUG right) where the apply for leave direct from timesheets button was not working for IE and Edge users.
- 7.18.6 Altered design of the link role to user fields – It is possible that you might have noticed but if you had a very long role name then the entire name was not visible in the role name field on the Link user to Role section. This has been sorted. Because most people like to know the name of the job they do – not guess.
- 7.18.7 Improved the validation of system responses – In some cases we thought the system was taking too long to validate responses when making changes to timesheets – so we made things better and fasterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.