elementTIME – release version 7.17

elementTIME 7.17 is about speeding things up, new functionality for scheduling and even adding a native leave calendar.

We have been developing pretty fast and sometimes it does one good to sit back, look out at the view…and put the code through the wringer to make sure it is working as well as it should. So we took some time to do some house keeping and make sure things are working as fast as they should be. Page and functionality loading times should be improved especially for users on low bandwidth.

In the process we also made some changes because we like making things.

Native leave calendar

We added a native leave calendar for users so you can view leave in calendar formats and depending on your user level even alter your filter settings. Users with approver rights can even approve (or decline) leave direct from the calendar view.


En-masse schedule copy functionality

Schedules for variable and flexible shifts can now be copied in bulk. Just use the select boxes once you have set the schedule and copy away…


New schedule views

We have altered the options for displaying and navigating through schedules. Schedule views can now be altered to align with date ranges and payruns in addition to existing settings. Because that kinda seems quite logical right.


And all the tiny things that make life more awesome…

  • 7.17.4 Forgot timer notification – Added new reminder notification for staff using real time recording where reminder is issued via either SMS or email if they are still recording time two hours after they were scheduled to finish work.
  • 7.17.5 Department reference key – Added an additional department reference field allowing calendar keys to be added for users integrating multiple leave into team calendars in Outlook or Google Calendars.
  • 7.17.6 Modified timesheet display – by default the timesheet fields are now blank until entry has been made – replaces 0.00 value.
  • 7.17.7 Grammatical fixes – Made a number of small grammatical changes to labels and in application messages to make more sense to users.
  • 7.17.8 Additional user statistics – Added additional fields allowing users to optionally capture information about staff that can be used for advanced reporting.


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